Die außergewöhnlichen prägenden Jahre des Gründers von Damanhur
Dies ist ein Buch der Alchemie, das für Kinder und Erwachsene geeignet ist. Meine Geschichten, sagt Falco Tarassaco, werden so erzählt, wie ich mich “zufällig” oder synchron an sie erinnerte, zu verschiedenen Zeiten, in keiner erkennbaren Reihenfolge. Zahlreiche Anekdoten legen Gesetze und Prinzipien nahe, die mit der spirituellen Physik zusammenhängen. Den Geschichten sind viele praktische Vorschläge für eigene Experimente beigefügt. Falco Tarassaco, Alchimiste Die Geschichte gibt uns die Erinnerung an Figuren wie Cagliostro, Fulcanelli, Graf von Saint-Germain und einige andere, von denen wir das Engagement in den Mäandern der Ars Regia kennen, auf der Suche nach der Formel für die “Verwandlung des Menschen in Gott”. In unserer Zeit stellt Falco als Alchemist eine originelle Stimme dar.
Pagine: 228
Lingua: Tedesco
So many voices inside you. Who are you, really?
From the discoveries of Falco Tarassaco
«Everyone represents a potentially perfect team.
The harmony of the whole is consciousness.
It is love. Integration is possible only through Love,
in any circumstance and at any level.»Falco Tarassaco
Different voices and driving forces alternate in each human being. Frequently, we suddenly find ourselves doing and saying things that are different from what we would have liked to do or say. This book teaches us to recognize the multiplicity contained in each of us, the different drives and needs that bring different approaches to our daily life, so we can begin to consider them as precious resources and no longer as obstacles. Understanding the complex relationships within us will help us to live better with ourselves and with others, since all our relationships in a family, social or working environment, show a similar pattern to those that happen within us.
Curiosity, a playful attitude, having fun, are pleasant approaches to this research and help us to understand ourselves, what happens to our different parts, and also to discover and appreciate all the talents we have.
The theory and the simple exercises presented in this book invite you to follow a path in search of knowing yourself step by step, offering a useful and verifiable set of tools at a personal level.