COMPACT MIRROR with dome of the hall of mirrors, isis, lunar and solar images.

  • The dome in the Hall of Mirrors: detail of the Tiffany glass dome that illuminates the Hall of Mirrors with a warm, golden light. The Hall of Mirrors is dedicated to life, light, air, the sky, the sun and to Horus, the cosmic and solar force connected to the spiritual awakening of humankind in the Third Millennium. The dome shows a great hawk that with its outstretched wings protects the universe.
  • ISIS is one of the most venerated figures in the Egyptian mythology. She is the goddess of fertility, motherhood and magic. Her maternal spirit is invoked in the heal process. She is often associated with the throne, that is, with the power of the pharaoh, of whom she is considered the celestial mother. She is the one who reassembles the body of her husband, Osiris, who was killed and dismembered by his brother Seth. Thanks to Isis, Osiris comes back to life and because he has experienced and overcome death, he is acknowledged as the lord of the underworld, while Isis acquires the function of helper in the passage of humans to the afterlife.
  • LUNAR image: The image reproduces the central part of the Moon Door in the Hall of the Earth, in the Temples of Humankind. It shows the mediumistic, intuitive expression on a female face enclosed between two half-moons.
  • SOLAR image: here we admire the central part of the Sun Door in the Hall of the Earth, which shows the richness of the various aspects related to the Sun, represented here with an anthropomorphic image: a warrior whose helmet extends from the forehead to protect his nose.